Upcoming Children's Book: "Good Things"

It’s easy to lose track of the next possibility and the bigger picture when life throws us experiences that we don’t like. Little Tam encounters pain, anger, fear and grief, but with the help of his Grandma’s gentle daily reminder, he learns to look for the Good Things that are possible when we stay alert. His new best friend, Pip, shows him the greatest example of all with her beautiful transformation. Through her he finally learns that sometimes the Good Things happen because of the difficulties not in spite of them. I wonder what’s possible for Tam and all of us? I wonder what Good Things are coming our way?


 Current Updates:

  • Illustrations are complete, and are scheduled to be professionally scanned and edited next week! (Week of August 12th) 
  • The author Nancy, and publisher Kiki, will be going over final script revisions, marketing and sales plans while I am on standby for any extra artwork needed.


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